More About Us

Who are we?
C3 Haven is a community of followers of Jesus Christ, and we seek to live free and authentic lives as we love God and people the way Jesus taught. We are passionate believers in the Word of God (the Bible) and in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. We believe in gathering as God's people, the Church - Christ’s hands and feet on earth today! We are passionate about family and community, sharing life together, spiritual growth, good food and laughter, social justice, worship, supporting one another, living well, and sharing the message about Jesus with others.

Our vision:
Our vision is: ‘Reaching People, Transforming Lives’ (Mt 28:19; Gal 6:15; Jn 10:10). The church is full of people who have discovered an incredible richness of life that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Contrary to a view held by many people, God is not dreary, depressed, or weak. Rather He is vibrant, joyful, and powerful. His presence should always give rise to a sense of excitement and a fullness of spirit. This understanding of God is reflected in the enthusiastic and upbeat nature of our church services. Jesus said that He came to earth that we might have a life of abundance (John 10:10). The Church is about ‘community-in-action’; people traveling the journey of life and faith together with Christ and each other. We believe true community should express the qualities of faith (trust), hope and love.

Our mission:
We are united with Christ in His vision and therefore our mission is to see people on the South Coast of NSW, and abroad, experience the new and eternal life that comes from receiving Jesus. We desire to see people connected into God’s family, growing, learning in their faith, and living whole and well. We aim to connect with people spiritually and practically so the whole person is engaged and part of a dynamic community.

Our values:

Grace: we want to be a community that is actively transformed by God’s enabling grace, and a community that allows grace to flow to others.

Reaching People: we value all people as they are created in the image of God. We believe the good news about Jesus brings new life to all who choose to receive it.

Advancing People: every person has a God-given purpose, gift, and ability. We value developing the whole person – body, soul, and spirit – so they can live well and whole through Christ.

Community of Faith: we value every person as a vital part of the Community of Faith in Jesus. Young or mature, every person is part of God’s family and has something to contribute to the Body of Christ and the broader community.

Encountering Christ: we value making room for Jesus through experiencing the presence, fruit, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our gatherings are about encountering God and being strengthened and encouraged to live for Him.

Simple Devotion to Christ: we value a simple devotion to Christ lived out daily as we engage with family, work, community, and Church. Faith in Jesus does not need to be complicated but is simple and leads to freedom.