Practising the Presence of God
Esther Micah Esther Micah

Practising the Presence of God

As followers of Jesus, the most important thing we can possess in this life is our relationship with the Father. In fact it is not just about this life but the life to come – eternal life! There are so many distractions that come to turn our attention away from this one key relationship with our creator. These things are not necessarily unimportant but at times lack the proper timing and emphasis in our lives, so we become unbalanced.

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Chasing Happiness
Ps Jason Kent Ps Jason Kent

Chasing Happiness

One of the underlying pursuits of modern western civilisation is the pursuit of happiness and pleasure. How much money is enough? For John D. Rockefeller (oil industry business magnate) the answer was, “just a little bit more”. Pursuing “things” or money can bring us momentary happiness and can help create a sense of mastery and achievement in life. Though, without proper limits and guiding values, the pursuit of “things”, and the feelings and beliefs we attach to those things, can become addictive and unhelpful.

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The Heart
Jason Jason

The Heart

I tend to many things in life. Earning money, meal prep, exercise, maintaining kids routines, my appearance, housework, friendships… the list goes on. Tending to all these things is important however there is one thing we must never neglect to tend to. That is our heart.

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A Brighter Future
Sue Bennett Sue Bennett

A Brighter Future

Often in life just like Peter, we can feel cornered and trapped by circumstances beyond our control. It can seem like our future isn’t looking hopeful or bright and perhaps there are even people eagerly expecting and waiting for us to fail or fall. It can seem like the worst outcome is inevitable.

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Sticks and Straw
Jason Jason

Sticks and Straw

If we have a house made of sticks and straw, its no wonder we cannot withstand the storms of this life.

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Jason Jason


Have you or someone you know ever believed a lie and acted on it?

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Jason Jason


Does it seem at times all of life is against you? It can feel like you’re walking through wet cement. It can be such an effort to face problems day in day out.

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