A Brighter Future

I love a good true story and the Bible has lots of them! I especially like the account found in the Book of Acts Chapter 12 where we find the apostle Peter is in prison. The Bible tells us that King Herod planned to execute him the next day because of his witness for Jesus, but in the meantime Peter was kept bound with two chains. Between two Roman soldiers with extra soldiers standing guard at the entrance to the prison! I think it’s safe to say that Peter’s future was NOT looking bright!!

 But Peter had some Christian friends praying for him and the Bible says that, during the night an angel appeared in his prison cell and immediately the chains fell off his wrists! The angel told Peter to follow him out of the prison and as he did they walked past all the Roman guards who didn’t even see them! Then as they came to the iron gate leading to the city it opened for them by itself and they went through it.

 Once Peter was outside he said to himself:

 ‘Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent His angel and rescued me from Herod’s clutches and from all the expectation of my enemies’

 So, why am I sharing this story with you and why is it so encouraging for us today?

Often in life just like Peter, we can feel cornered and trapped by circumstances beyond our control. It can seem like our future isn’t looking hopeful or bright and perhaps there are even people eagerly expecting and waiting for us to fail or fall. It can seem like the worst outcome is inevitable.

BUT Jesus is always able to help! If we cry out to Him in prayer and invite Him into our lives He can make a way where there seems to be no way. In fact Jesus says of Himself, ‘I AM THE WAY and also said of Himself, ‘ I AM THE DOOR’ .

Perhaps you’re facing a situation that seems like a wall blocking your way and your future but Jesus can be the door through that wall. He is well able to rescue you from expectations and fears of failure.

In fact in the book of Jeremiah God spoke to His people who, at the time, were facing a really tough situation saying this:

 ‘For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’

 That was God’s heart and intention for His people then, and that is still God’s heart and intention for His people today and that is God’s heart and intention for YOU today!

 Sue Bennett




Sticks and Straw