
Did you know that the Bible says in the book of Proverbs that WISDOM is the principal thing! And then goes onto say therefore get wisdom… that means that getting and applying the wisdom of God to any situation in our lives is THE most important thing!

 But… I hear you thinking …

 I thought money was the principal thing or I thought education was the principal thing or surely, becoming fit & healthy is the principal thing.

 Look, even though those kinds of things certainly matter and have their place, we need God’s wisdom more than anything else as we deal with life’s challenges.

 In fact Jesus said that when we receive His wisdom through His teachings and put it into practice, it’s like building our house on the rock rather than on the sand. We can better withstand the storms of life that come to all of us because His wisdom keeps us strong and steady.

 The good news is the Bible tells us in the Book of James that God will give us His wisdom – if we ask for it … Listen to what it says:

 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you

 Notice that God isn’t stingy with His wisdom, in fact He will give it to us generously. Also notice that He doesn’t scold us or remind us of our past mistakes. He just wants to help us succeed in life.

 In the book of Colossians chapter 2, we read that ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge lie hidden in Jesus. That means that as we press into our relationship with Him by praying and spending time in His Word, we can tap into more and more of His wisdom for our everyday life. Wisdom with your kids, wisdom with your money, wisdom in your relationships, your big & small decisions, and so much more.

 One of the famous kings of the Old Testament, King David said that the wisdom he received by meditating in God’s word made him wiser than his enemies, wiser than his elders  and gave him more insight than his teachers. WOW!

 So I’m encouraging AND CHALLENGING you today … make seeking God’s wisdom the principal and main thing in your  life and watch so many of the problems that you just can’t figure out for yourself start to unravel and fall into place!

Sue Bennett


The Heart


A Brighter Future