
Lately I have been struggling with overwhelming fatigue. I’m just so tired all the time. Can you relate?

I know I’m not alone in feeling tired & worn out. Any mother of young children will relate, plus I do hear of more and more people experiencing long covid. Then there’s just work/life balance pressures. Whatever the cause, I know fatigue is a barrier for many people. Low grade exhaustion is said to be the new normal.

On a recent podcast I listened to by John Mark Comer, he said “up until very recently in human history people slept on average 10-11 hours per night. Now in western nations, data says the average is just 6 hours per night.”  Its no surprise that people are diminished in their whole person just because we are so tired!

So…what can we do?

I decided to focus on my sleep and aim for the recommended 7-9 hours per night.  I have set a bed time and try to stick to it so I can regulate my circadian rhythm.  Tackling the problem of fatigue in my life, by getting more sleep, I’m confident, I will see improvements in the long run.  Research shows Sleep:

·      reduces the body's amount of stress hormones

·      adjusts the hormones that control appetite, blood sugar and metabolism

·      boosts the immune system, and

·      will improve memory, alertness, and problem-solving capabilities. 

I’m especially excited to feel less exhausted all the time and just more productive.  Recognising fatigue as a barrier may be your first step towards a better, healthier you!

For more on healthy life habits, check out our 3 part Couch Chat series on our you tube channel titled “Couch Chats - Healthy Habits”. Here we discuss mental health, physical health and spiritual disciplines that promote wellbeing and health.

By Tara Kent


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