The Heart

I tend to many things in life. Earning money, meal prep, exercise, maintaining kids routines, my appearance, housework, friendships… the list goes on. Tending to all these things is important however there is one thing we must never neglect to tend to. That is our heart.

Tending to the issues of our heart does not come naturally in today’s society. Our attention is most often dictated to by our hands (the busyness of what we do) and by our head (what we think). Our hands and head dictate our priorities. Issues of the heart can go unattended because we are so busy doing all the other stuff.

However the life you see is a reflection of the heart that you don’t see.  The Bible tells us to above all else, watch over your heart with diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Above all else! We must tend to our heart... WHY? Because from it, the course of your life is determined and out of it springs the issues of life.  The things we hold in our hearts will eventually emerge (like a spring) from below the surface. Out of the heart the mouth will speak.  Out of the heart flows the issues we hold onto. 

Did you know, unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease. According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. With that in mind forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases.

According to research by Dr. Michael Barry, a pastor and the author of the book The Forgiveness Project. "Harboring negative emotions, like anger and hatred, creates a state of chronic anxiety which very predictably produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, depleting your bodies ability to fight disease.”

We must tend to issues of the heart!  Diligently give your time and attention, like you would tend a garden – weeding, pruning, fertilizing, watering. Our heart needs this kind of regular attention. Journal, talk to a counsellor, a friend, a pastor.

Talk to God. Watch over your heart and guard it for it is your very life source.

Ps Tara Kent


Chasing Happiness

