
Have you or someone you know ever believed a lie and acted on it? It may have been a financial scam or some kind of a promise that was never going to be fulfilled – but, … whatever the lie, the results can be devastating in a person’s life. Everyone wants truth that they can trust, but where can we find truth in a world of false advertising, broken promises and betrayals? There’s a lot of different voices out there, so who can we trust... And who should we listen to?

 In the Bible, Jesus said of Himself, ‘I AM THE TRUTH’ ….. in fact, when He was being questioned by Pilate at His trial Jesus said this:

 ‘ the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me’

 When Pilate heard Jesus say that, he sarcastically replied, ‘What is truth?’ … Pilate was a hardened Roman governor who spent his days navigating and dealing with the lies, deceit and betrayals of the Roman culture of his day... to him truth probably didn’t even exist!

 BUT what about us today? How can we rise above the culture of OUR day and press into the truth that Jesus still offers and came to give us? Let’s consider 3 things that Jesus said:

 Firstly when He was praying to the father for His disciples He said, ‘ Sanctify them ( or set them apart ) by Your truth; Your Word is truth ‘

 So, as we read the Bible and meditate in it, Jesus said we will know the truth and it will set us apart from natural, worldly thinking.

 Secondly … Jesus called the Holy Spirit ‘the Spirit of truth’ and also told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would lead them into ALL truth.

So, as we learn to recognise and co-operate with the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can be sure that we will walk in more and more truth and discernment.

 Lastly ... Jesus also said,  ‘ If you hold to My teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free’

As we faithfully and consistently read the Bible, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and follow and hold to the teachings of Jesus … we WILL know the truth, and it WILL set us free from the lies and deceit of the enemy in every area of our lives!!

 Sue Bennett


Sticks and Straw

