
Does it seem at times all of life is against you? It can feel like you’re walking through wet cement. It can be such an effort to face problems day in day out. At the most inconvenient times the pressure can build – financial stress, broken relationships, health problems, work stress – the list goes on. It would be easy to form a negative view of life and to lose hope based on these circumstances alone.

I have discovered that amid the problems of life there are many moments of happiness and joy, though it can be challenging to see these moments amongst the hard times. I find there a few things that help me refocus and maintain hope. Firstly, I make a list of my problems and put them in order of priority. This helps me visualise what is getting in the way of my progress. Secondly, I can make a plan of attack on my problems. If there’s financial pressure, I can see a community financial counsellor. If I have a persisting health issue, I can book in to see a doctor, or if I have ongoing stress affecting my mental health, I can book in to see a counsellor. These are practical things I can do to take more control of the things happening around me. Lastly, I have found that bringing my concerns to God in prayer sustains my hope. I have learnt that with God all things are possible.

The Bible says,

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).

As I have prayed to God I have experienced His peace and answered prayer on so many occasions as well as the strength to move through those situations that are still being resolved. I have discovered that God is interested and willing to hear about all my concerns no matter how big or small they might appear to be. I hope today in your planning you are able to bring your concerns to God in prayer.

Ps Jason Kent




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